AAA Unbuilt Architecture Awards 2013 – winners
The AAA Unbuilt Architecture Awards, in its 22nd year supported by Cavalier Bremworth, was celebrated in December 2013. Congratulations to our winners and thank you for those who entered and attended the lecture and awards night. Special thanks to the Judges, Pip Cheshire, Lindley Naismith and Dominic Glamuzina.
Unbuilt Architecture, whether its a work in progress or a conceptual drawing of the unbuildable, holds lofty ambitions, hinting at tomorrow and how things could be. Pip suggested in his lecture that the drawing of the unbuilt is as an opportunity to push for a vision and change the political momentum embedded in the built environment. Think bold, draw bold and get it out there. The experimental to the well grounded were on display at the awards night, undoubtedly stimulating conversation pieces for the hundred plus who attended the awards night.
The winners received a cash prize and the unique AAA cast bronze trophy. The entries of the winners, runner-ups and highly commenders are linked below.
For a review of the event by Pip Cheshire in The Block, the NZIA Auckland Branch broadsheet, read the article “A Strange Church“.