The Process
Each year features a different panel of independent judges.
Entries in Round 1 will be digitally submitted for review by the judges. A shortlist of finalists in each category are then invited to provide panels for the second round of consideration, and are eligible to be included in the exhibition. Judging is always anonymous, with projects being judged on both quality of design and communication, and how well they reflect the theme of the given category.
Winners are announced at the Awards Function, following a public talk by one or more of the judging panel.
Round 1
The first round takes the form of an open digital submission.
Entries must be be submitted as either a PDF, consisting of 5 landscape A4 pages with static images and text only or an MP4 file for moving image work.
PDF: The first page is reserved for a project outline consisting of no more than 250 words. The file must be less than 10MB in file size.
MP4: Moving image work should be emailed to us. The file must be less than 40mb in size.
There must not be any reference to the entrant’s name in the PDF or MP4. The files must be titled with the award you are submitting for followed by your entry’s project title.
Round 2
Finalists from Round 1 will be invited to prepare and re-submit their entry for Round 2 judging.
Round 2 entries must be provided on 3 A1 landscape sheets. Models are optional.
There must not be any reference to the entrant’s name on entries.
Entries submitted for Round 2 will then be shown in the exhibition and at the Awards Function, where the winners will be announced.
Prizes are awarded at the judges’ discretion, and all decisions are final. Judges may move entries between categories if they deem it to better suit the entry criteria. While we endeavour to exhibit all projects selected to take part in Round 2 of judging, we reserve the right to show a reduced subset if necessitated by limited space.