Visionary Architecture Awards Evening 2018


Thursday 13th December

Neon Foyer, 22 Symonds St

5.30pm Visionary Architecture Talk

with Dr Natalie Allen, Director at The Urban Advisory

Natalie's presentation will take us on a tour of Collaborative Urbanism and Alternative Development projects from across seven European cities: from an all-women’s cohousing project in London, to Baugruppen projects in Berlin, to a sustainable neighbourhood in Freiburg, and a large-scale co-operative neighbourhood in Zurich. Considering Collaborative Urbanism across scales from the individual project to the neighbourhood will also inform discussion about how we move beyond thinking of housing alone and move to thinking about delivering integrated neighbourhoods. Set in the context of questioning the future of visionary architecture in New Zealand, the tour will look at both the architectural outcomes and the processes that brought these projects and neighbourhoods to fruition.

7.00pm Awards Presentation

Following Natalie’s talk, winners will be announced and presented with their awards and 2018 trophies. Drinks and nibbles will be provided.

Finalist entries will be on display, in an exhibition open to the public on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th December.


The 2018 Trophy

The 2018 trophy continues our series celebrating the lineage of the awards, with the design following that of originals by New Zealand sculptor Marte Szirmay. Each trophy will be one of a limited run of half-scale cast bronze reproductions of this significant example of New Zealand sculpture, a taonga of the AAA’s heritage.


2018’s special guest judges are:

Jeanette Budgett; Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, Unitec Institute of Technology

Kim Huynh; Architectural Graduate, P-A-C Studio

Fleur Palmer; Associate Professor, School of Art and Design, Auckland University of Technology

Kathy Waghorn; Senior Lecturer, School of Architecture and Planning, University of Auckland


The winner of each Open or Student category will receive a prize of $1000, certificate and trophy. In addition, the winner of the Supreme Award will be presented with a second, unique trophy.

Judges may also award, at their discretion, a runner-up for each category and any number of special commendations.

We thank our Sponsors, especially our major sponsor Polyflor, for the support that makes this event and the prizes possible.


Neon Foyer, 22 Symonds St

Alistair Munro