AAA Visionary Architecture Awards – Awards Evening & Lecture
Over 200 entries into AAA Visionary Architecture Awards have been received and judged. Finalist entries are now on being exhibited at the Auckland Art Gallery. The winners will be announced tomorrow night following a lecture by lead judge Rewi Thompson.
Public Exhibition
16th – 18th November.
Public Exhibition of selected entries are currently on display at the Auckland Art Gallery and continues until end of Wednesday.
Awards Evening & Lecture
17th November.
5:30PM. Lead judge, Rewi Thompson, shall be presenting a lecture ahead of the awards evening on the topic of Visionary Possibilities for the Waitemata. 10 NZRAB CPD.
7:00PM. Join us for drinks and nibbles after the lecture for announcement of the winners of the Visionary Architecture Awards.
Both events are held at the Auckland Art Gallery and invitation is open to all.
Whangaia te manu o te ngahere ki te miro. Whangaia te tamaiti ki te matauranga, nona te Ao!
Feed the bird of the forest the miro berry and he will own the forest.
Feed the child knowledge and he will own the world.